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初三英语unit1 完形填空
完形填空.(10分)The world is divided into two main parts,the poor and the__1__ .The poor countries __2__the developing countries,which have special __3__ .Sometimes the land is too poor to grow anything__4 Many people never get enough __5___ ,and the children starve.Help should be givenby the richcountries,but rich countries have problems,__6__ .The air isn't fresh and the rivers are___7__ dity to swim in or ___8___ water from.Also the roads are too crowded to drive ___9___ .And sometimes,large numbers of people ___10___ not have pleasant houses to live in.So something must have to be done about the problems.( ) 1.A.rich B.richer C.good D.poorer ( ) 2.A.is called B.are called C.calls D.calling ( ) 3.A.friends B.problems C.places D.conditions ( ) 4.A.on B.in C.among D.at ( ) 5.A.to play with B.to live in C.to eat D.to drink ( ) 6.A.already B.also C.either D.too ( ) 7.A.very.B.too C.really D.so ( ) 8.A.to taking B.take C-.taking D.takes ( ) 9.A.along B.among C.out D.through ( ) 10.A.
完形填空.(10分)The world is divided into two main parts,the poor and the__1__ .The poor countries __2__the developing countries,which have special __3__ .Sometimes the land is too poor to grow anything__4 Many people never get enough __5___ ,and the children starve.Help should be givenby the richcountries,but rich countries have problems,__6__ .The air isn't fresh and the rivers are___7__ dity to swim in or ___8___ water from.Also the roads are too crowded to drive ___9___ .And sometimes,large numbers of people ___10___ not have pleasant houses to live in.So something must have to be done about the problems.( ) 1.A.rich B.richer C.good D.poorer ( ) 2.A.is called B.are called C.calls D.calling ( ) 3.A.friends B.problems C.places D.conditions ( ) 4.A.on B.in C.among D.at ( ) 5.A.to play with B.to live in C.to eat D.to drink ( ) 6.A.already B.also C.either D.too ( ) 7.A.very.B.too C.really D.so ( ) 8.A.to taking B.take C-.taking D.takes ( ) 9.A.along B.among C.out D.through ( ) 10.A.
rich,are called,conditions,on,to drink,too,too,to taking,through
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