早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1 你的能力越大,责任也就越大
2 你越努力学习,你的成绩就提高越快
3 向南一直走150米
4 原地转3个圈后,向北走5步
5.你到达 XX 路和XX 路交叉口后,向西一直走200米,就到了.
6 【零回复】
怎么说,语境就是 发的帖子,没人回答,或是没人回应
7 【没人愿意回答这个问题】
8 领导派我们3个人去取货 / 派我们3人去美国谈判
9 到底是谁派你来的啊?
1 你的能力越大,责任也就越大
2 你越努力学习,你的成绩就提高越快
3 向南一直走150米
4 原地转3个圈后,向北走5步
5.你到达 XX 路和XX 路交叉口后,向西一直走200米,就到了.
6 【零回复】
怎么说,语境就是 发的帖子,没人回答,或是没人回应
7 【没人愿意回答这个问题】
8 领导派我们3个人去取货 / 派我们3人去美国谈判
9 到底是谁派你来的啊?
① 你的能力越大,责任也就越大
∴With strength/power/potential/capability comes responsibility.
∴The stronger your abilites, the bigger your responsibility.
② 你越努力学习,你的成绩就提高越快
∴The more effort you put into studying, the quicker your grades will rise.
∴The harder you study, the quicker your grades will rise.
③ 向南一直走150米
Walk one hundred and fifty meters south.
④ 原地转3个圈后,向北走5步
After you turn in a full circle three times, take five steps north.
⑤ 你到达 XX 路和XX 路交叉口后,向西一直走200米,就到了.
When you arrive at the crossroad of xx and xx street, walk 200 meters west and you'll be there.
⑥ 零回复
Zero replies
No replies
⑦ 没人愿意回答这个问题
No one wants to answer this question.
⑧ 领导派我们3个人去取货 / 派我们3人去美国谈判
∴Our manager/leader sent the three of us / us three to retreive the goods.
∴Our manager/leader sent the three of us / us three to conduct negotiations in the U.S.
⑨ 到底是谁派你来的啊?
Exactly who sent you?
∴With strength/power/potential/capability comes responsibility.
∴The stronger your abilites, the bigger your responsibility.
② 你越努力学习,你的成绩就提高越快
∴The more effort you put into studying, the quicker your grades will rise.
∴The harder you study, the quicker your grades will rise.
③ 向南一直走150米
Walk one hundred and fifty meters south.
④ 原地转3个圈后,向北走5步
After you turn in a full circle three times, take five steps north.
⑤ 你到达 XX 路和XX 路交叉口后,向西一直走200米,就到了.
When you arrive at the crossroad of xx and xx street, walk 200 meters west and you'll be there.
⑥ 零回复
Zero replies
No replies
⑦ 没人愿意回答这个问题
No one wants to answer this question.
⑧ 领导派我们3个人去取货 / 派我们3人去美国谈判
∴Our manager/leader sent the three of us / us three to retreive the goods.
∴Our manager/leader sent the three of us / us three to conduct negotiations in the U.S.
⑨ 到底是谁派你来的啊?
Exactly who sent you?
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