早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



    Grandpa Hodge was the most popular elder in the village.Believe it or not he was so____41____in speaking and doing things that everyone __42______him as “Grandpa Wisdom”.

    One day a man hurried to Grandpa Wisdom and said “Grandpa I have a piece of ___43____”to share with you.”“Wait a moment ”Grandpa Hodge stroked(抚摸)his beard and ___44_____him “Have you___45_______the news you will tell me with three seieves(狮子)?”

“Three sieves?Which three sieves?”the man asked with____46____.“The first sieve is truth. Is the news you will tell me ____47____?”Grandpa Hodge asked narrowing his eyes.“I don’t know because I heard it from the __48_____.”“Now let’s check it with the second sieve ”Grandpa Hodge ___49___ “If the news you will tell me is not true it should be friendly.”The man ___50____answered “No just the ____51____way round.”

    Grandpa Hodge once again interrupted him “So let’s use the __52_____sieve. Can you tell me if the news that is ___53___you is very important?”“It is not so important ”the man answered with _ 54__.

    Grandpa Hodge___55____the shoulder of the man and said meaningfully “____56____the news you will tell me is not true ___57____or important please don’t tell me . Then it won’t___58____you and me.”The man learned a ____59____and never spread the ___60___news ever since.

41. A.wise              B.foolish               C.quick             D.strict

42.A.punished           B.called                C.used              D.tested

43.A.paper              B.cake              C.news              D.work

44.A.praised            B.thanked           C.impressed             D.stopped

45.A.checked            B.wrote             C.arranged              D.planned

46.A.disappointment     B.puzzlement            C.argument          D.agreement

47.right                B.wrong             C.true              D.joyful

48.A.class              B.book              C.newspaper         D.street

49.A.went on            B.went away         C.went up           D.went of

50.A.confidently   B.awkwardly         C.happily           D.strangely

51.A.same               B.only              C.other                 D.last

52.A.old            B.new               C.second                D.third

53.A.exciting           B.defeating         C.disturbing            D.annoying

54.A.anger              B.embarrassment     C.tears                 D.encouragement

55.A.shot           B.beat              C.touched           D.kicked

56.A.In order that      B.In case           C.Even if               D.Now that

57.A.kind          B.wonderful             C.friendly          D.precious

58.A.forgive            B.trouble               C.miss              D.doubt

59.A.lesson             B.story                 C.diary                 D.excuse

60.A.following          B.valuable              C.great                 D.uncertain


41〜45 ABCDA    46〜50 BCDAB    51〜55 CDABC    56〜60 DCBAD