早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
名词 n.
1. 法,法律[the S]
That is against the law.
那是违反法律的. 2. (个别的)法律,法规[C][(+against)]
The Congress passed a new bankruptcy law.
国会通过了一项新的破产法. 3. (运动、艺术等的)规则,守则[C]
Do you know the laws of the game?
你知道这项比赛的规则吗? 4. (科学等的)法则,定律,原则[C]
He is interested in the laws of nature.
他对自然界法则很有兴趣. 5. 法学,法律学[U]
He studies law.
他研究法学. 6. 司法界,律师业[U][the S]
He plans to enter the law.
他打算做律师. 7. 诉讼[U]
I'll take him to law.
我将与他对簿公堂. 8. 【口】警察;警官[the S][G]
The law arrived on the scene of murder.
名词 n.
1. 法,法律[the S]
That is against the law.
那是违反法律的. 2. (个别的)法律,法规[C][(+against)]
The Congress passed a new bankruptcy law.
国会通过了一项新的破产法. 3. (运动、艺术等的)规则,守则[C]
Do you know the laws of the game?
你知道这项比赛的规则吗? 4. (科学等的)法则,定律,原则[C]
He is interested in the laws of nature.
他对自然界法则很有兴趣. 5. 法学,法律学[U]
He studies law.
他研究法学. 6. 司法界,律师业[U][the S]
He plans to enter the law.
他打算做律师. 7. 诉讼[U]
I'll take him to law.
我将与他对簿公堂. 8. 【口】警察;警官[the S][G]
The law arrived on the scene of murder.
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