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以An outstanding woman Madam Curie 按下列表格的内容 写一篇介绍居里夫人的100字左右的短文NAME 居里夫人QUALITY 收到良好教育 刻苦勤奋 意志坚强 遇到困难从不失去信心 毕生贡献与科学事业ACHIEVEMENT 1903年因发现雷元素获得诺贝尔物理奖 1911年获得诺贝尔化学奖
Madame Curie
Madame Curie is a French professor of physics. She was born in Poland in 1867. When she was young, she became in terested in physics. At that time women were not admitted to universities in Poland, so she was determined to go to Paris University and study there. When she was studying in Paris. she lived a very poor life. However, she worked very hard and succeeded in taking a first class degree in physics two years after arriving in Paris. In 1895, she married Pierre Curie, a very bright scientist, and then they worked together on the research into radioactive matter. They discovered two kinds of radioactive matters—Polunium and Radium. In 1904 she and her husband received the Nobel Prize for Physics. In 1906 Pierre died. Marie was deeply shocked by Pierre's death but determined to go on working. She received a second Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1911. So he became the first scientist in the world to win two Nobel Prizes.
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