早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Last week,I took my four-year-old daughter,Sally,to a childrens party.We travelled by train.Sally has never travelled by train before.She sat near the window and asked a lot of questions.Suddenly,a middle-aged lady came into our compartment and sat opposite Sally.Hello,little girl,she said.Sally did not answer,but looked at her curiously.The lady took out her powder compact.She then began to make up her face.
Why are you doing that?Sally asked.
To make myself beautiful,the lady answered.She put away her compact and smiled kindly.
But you are still ugly,Sally said.
1.Did you take Sally to the park?
2.Did you take Sally to a childrens party?
3.Where did Sally sit?
4.Who came into your compartment?
5.Was the lady young or was she middle-aged?
6.Where did the lady sit?
7.Did she say Hello to Sally,or did Sally say Hello to her?
8.Why did the lady make up her face?
9.Did Sally think the lady was beautiful?
10.What did Sally say to the lady?
3.she sat near the window
4.a middle-aged lady
6.she sat opposite sally.
7.she said hello to sally
8.to make herself beautiful
10.sally said that you were still ugly.
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