参考词汇:压岁钱:gifting money微信:We Chat 电子红包:“Red envelopes”电子支付:electronic payments
"Red envelope" fever has swept the country since We Chat came up with a program allowing users to send cash through electronic payments.
"Red envelope" fever has swept the country since We Chat came up with a program allowing users to send cash through electronic payments. This gives the traditions typical of this festive period a facelift as well as some problems.
On the one hand the brilliant idea takes the Chinese New Year tradition of gifting money into the digital era which makes gifting money convenient and more accessible to people. What’s more it can bring people more fun and they can make their friendship with others closer. With electronic red envelopes you're not limited by your identity or the time of year. On the other hand electronic red envelopes also attract more teenagers and adults to become hooked on their phones affecting their social or school life. They spend all their free time surfing and don’t concentrate on work.
In my opinion "Red envelope" provides a brand new way of communication for people and obviously adds to more fun if used properly.
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