早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Mr. And Mrs. Everson, their sons Ethan and Jason, and daughters Hannah and Emily were
finishing up Sunday dinner around their dinner room table. “what’s for dessert, Mom?”
“Your dad baked an apple pie.” Mrs. Everson answers. “Yummy!” says Ethan’s sister Emily clapped her hands.
“Well, I would like fifteen minutes of pie, please.” Ethan says with a big smile.
“Fifteen minutes of pie, what does that mean?” asks little Jason. He is very confused.
“Mr. Smith is teaching us about time in school.” Ethan answers. He is in second grade and they are just to learn how to tell the time on a clock. “He tell us that the clock can be divided into four fifteen minute sections, like the pieces of a pie. Fifteen times four is sixty and there are sixty minutes in an hour.”
“Very good, son!” Mr. Everson says smiling.
“So then may I have fifteen minutes of pie, please?” Ethan asks again.
Mrs. Everson looks at her son and says. “How about you have ten minutes of pie and leave some for us!” she answered.
( ) 51. How many people are eating at the dinning table? A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven
( ) 52. If Ethan eats 30 minutes of pie, how much of the pie will he eat? A. A small piece of it. B. All of it.
C. Half of it. C. More than half of it.
( ) 53. What does the underlined word “times” mean in Chinese. A. 时间 B. 次数 C. 时代 D. 乘以
( ) 54. Why did Mrs.Everson ask Ethan to have 10 minutes of pie? A. Because she wanted him to eat more pie.
B. Because there would be just enough for everyone. C. Because she wanted him to eat less food. D. Because she wanted him to eat quickly.