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我家后院西隅近篱笆处曾经种有一排三株意大利柏树.这种意大利柏树(Italian Cypress)原本生长於南欧地中海畔,与其他松柏皆不相类.树的主干笔直上伸,标高至六、七十呎,但横枝并不恣意扩张,两人合抱,便把树身圈住了,於是擎天一柱,平地拔起,碧森森像座碑塔,孤峭屹主,甚有气势.
我是一九七三年春迁入「隐谷」这栋住宅来的.这个地区叫「隐谷」(Hidden Valley),因为三面环山,林木幽深,地形又相当隐蔽,虽然位於市区,因为有山丘屏障,不易发觉.当初我按报上地址寻找这栋房子,弯弯曲曲,迷了几次路才发现,原来山坡后面,别有洞天,谷中隐隐约约,竟是一片住宅.那日黄昏驱车沿着山坡驶进「隐谷」,迎面青山绿树,只觉得是个清幽所在,万没料到,谷中一住迄今,长达二十余年.
There used to be three Italian Cypress standing in the west corner of our backyard,next to the hedges.Such kind of trees originated from the Mediteranean coast of south Europe,totally different from other evergreens.The trunks of this tree pierce into the sky with a standard height of 60 or 70 inches.But their branches will never expand at will.The circumference of the trees takes two persons to hold it with both arms.Standing alone from bare ground,they resemble green monuments or towers,lofty and impressive.
I moved to the residential hall of Hidden Valley in the spring of 1973.The reason why the region is called Hidden Valley is because it is surrounded by mountains on three sides,densely forested,and hidden from human sight.Although it is located in the rural area,it is hard to discover due to the shield of hills.At first I tried to find the house according to the address posted on the newspaper.It took quite some trial and error on the road before I got through those twists and turns in the hills.Then I discovered a totally different world behind the hillside.Those indistinct places turned out to be the assembling residential houses.On the dawn of that day,when I drove onto the way along the mountain slope,facing green trees on the hills,I found it quite a quiet and beautiful place.The most surprising of all is that I have been living in the valley for as long as twenty years.
看了 英语翻译我家后院西隅近篱笆处...的网友还看了以下:

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