早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1. ________to me who will win the game.(difference)
谁会赢得这场比赛对 我来说没有区别.
2. I'll help you without hesitation________.(necessary)
3. At present he is________English.(apply)
目前 他专心于学英语.
4. AIDS________the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years.(say)
5. There is some doubt________.(come)
6. Do you think John was silly or brave________the situation?(involve)
你认为被卷入这种处境 约翰是愚蠢还是勇敢.
7. ________to speak you should remain silent at the conference.(invite)
除非被邀请讲话 否则在会议上你应该保持沉默.
8. I was still sleeping________ and then it spread quickly.(break)
火灾发生时我正在睡觉 然后火势迅速蔓延.
9. If you go shopping with me I'll__________an icecream.(treat).
如果你和我去购物 我请你吃冰淇淋.
10. No matter what you say I'll________.(stick)
无论你说什么 我都会坚持我的意见.
1.It makes no difference/It doesn't make any difference2.when (it is) necessary3.applying (himself) to learning4.is said to have been5.whether John will come6.to get/be involved in7.Unless (you are) invited8.when a fire broke out9.treat you to10.stick to my opinion