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在与陌生人的简短交谈中,英美文化习惯与中国的习惯有什么不同之处呢?最好能用英语解答,How is small talk in American culture like small talk in Chinese culture How is it different?
Here I'd like to show you the big difference on a very common daily communication between American Culture and Chinese one happened in our daily life as we everyone all know that:
Let's start with the daily greeting between persons in American Culture,here it's:What a nice day!
however,in Chinese Culture,the greeting talk should be like this:Have you had meal?or Meal Over?
Obviously,it's very easy for us to notice that American people start their topic with the weather.but in China,the meal,so that's very different on cultures between US & China.
Let's start with the daily greeting between persons in American Culture,here it's:What a nice day!
however,in Chinese Culture,the greeting talk should be like this:Have you had meal?or Meal Over?
Obviously,it's very easy for us to notice that American people start their topic with the weather.but in China,the meal,so that's very different on cultures between US & China.
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