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求可以教给外国人的象形字或会意字!希望有教学意义生动形象 可以用英语介绍这个字的来历的那种!
Hi,friends!Someone say Chinese is a very difficult language,but I'm sure you won't feel headache any longer after today's lesson.
日:It's from the image of the Sun; isn't it a very simple word?
旦:Guess what it means when the Sun rises from the horizon?Yeah,it's a morning.
月:This word came from the Moon,you will recognize it if I draw its orignal portrait on the blackboard.
明:Both the Sun and the Moon are the brightest stars in the sky we can see from the Earth,what if we put them together?A real bright.
Above several words are just one of the sample to show you foreigners to understand how ancient Chinese invented words.Let me show some more such words.
木:Use your imagine to guess what it is.Great,it's a tree,the branches on top and roots beneath it.
末:When we point the top,it means the end of the tree.It will mean an end for everything.
本:When we point the lower part of the tree,it means the beginning of the tree.It will mean a start of everything.
The ancient Chinese were clever to invent word "tree",and they were much cleverer to invent "start" and "end" just by adding a stick on a correct position.
Same word like "刀",a portrait of a knife; "刃",a part of the knife,the blade.
Believe you'll get to love to learn the Chinese characters now,let's move on next week.
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