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As John Sauven of Greenpeace UK points out,there is a strong appeal in images of the wild,the
untouched; more than anything else,they speak of the nature that many people
value most dearly.The urge to leave the subject of such images untouched is
strong,and the danger exploitation(开发) brings to such landscapes(景观)
is real.Some of these wildernesses also perform functions that humans need—the
rainforests,for example,store carbon in vast quantities.To Mr.Sauven,these
”ecosystem services” far outweigh the gains from exploitation.
Lane,a visiting fellow at the Hudson Institute,takes the opposing view.He
acknowledges that wildernesses do provide useful services,such as water
conservation.But that is not,he argues,a reason to avoid all human presence,
or indeed commercial and industrial exploitation.There are ever more people on
the Earth,and they reasonably and rightfully want to have better lives,rather
than merely struggle for survival.While the ways of using resources have
improved,there is still a growing need for raw materials,and some
wildernesses contain them in abundance.If they can be tapped without reducing
the services those wildernesses provide,the argument goes,there is no further
reason not to do so.Being untouched is not,in itself,a characteristic worth
valuing above all others.
正如英国绿色和平组织的John Sauven 指出的,野外的影像中有一种强烈的呼声,那就是未被改变的事物;他们为很多人最珍视的大自然代言,比任何事物都多.脱离这种未被改变的影像的项目的渴望很强烈,开发带给这种景观的危险是真实的.这些野生事物的一部分还发挥着人类需要的功能——雨林,比如,大量存储碳.对Sauven先生来说,这些“生态系统服务”远比开发的收获要重要得多.
Lee Lane,一个Hudson 学院的参观者,却持有相反的观点.他承认虽然野生事物能提供有用的服务,比如水土保持.但他辩解说,这并不是一个避免所有人类的涉足甚至经济和工业开发的理由.地球上的人是更多的,他们有理由也有权利想要更好的生活,而不是仅仅为生存而挣扎.当使用资源的手段提高了,就会对原始资源有源源不断的需要,而有些野生事物拥有丰富的原始资源.如果他们能够在野生事物提供的服务不减少的前提下,挖掘出更多资源来,这一论点就会产生——没有更大的理由不这么做.未被改变的事物就它本身来说,并不是一个价值凌驾于其他所有事物之上的角色.