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how to succeed in a job interview? 写一篇英文作文 150字左右 跪谢了 我没有悬赏 希望各位帮忙
要求 点1.prepaer well or a job interview beforehand 2.mind your appearance3 arrive earlier 4be confident 5 smile 6sell yourself
Interview provides employers opportunities to look for the proper persons to be competent to the positions.It plays critically important role in the proccess of hiring.Although that is a challenge for everyone,we still can find out the rules partly.In a certain degree,appearance give the interviewers the first impressions and,essentially,it influences the upcoming process.The way you behave and talk also affect the proceedings of interview.It will partly unveil your education level and the rough understanding of your personality.The job positions are provided for those people who can afford them,and that is why you need to perform that you have the ability to handle the job.Sometimes,we will face some special situations which needs specific resolutions.Your professional knowledge will be one of the hiring standards.Don't be afraid to be asked or answer the questions.You need to be self-confident in order to leave the better impression to the interviewers.If you can not be qualified for those standards,just admit that you can't do it.It's much better than be disclosed when you are working.