阅读理解 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误。正确的涂“T”,错误的涂“F”。 If you turn on the radio, you may hear “Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day tomorrow.” Or if you read a newspaper, you may read things like “In the Northeast of Sichuan, it will be fine.” Or if you watch TV, you may see and hear “Beijing will be rainy. The temperature will be 2 to 9.” Today we can know the weather beforehand. We can listen to or watch or read the weather report. In the past, some people atched their cat to predict(预测) the weather. They thought when a cat washed its face, it was going to rain. When a cat put its paws(爪子) in front of it, they thought bad weather was coming. When they saw a cat eating grass, they would say “Oh, there's going to be a heavy rain!” When a cat was restless(不安), they thought a big wind was coming. 1.We can listen to the weather report today. ( ) 2.People in the past didn't have a way to predict the weather. ( ) 3.People thought when a cat washed its face, there was going to be a big wind. ( ) 4.People thought when a cat ate grass, there was going to be a heavy rain. ( ) 5.Only the radio and newspaper can offer us the weather report today. ( ) |
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