早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享





       Anna arrived far too early. Usually she left things to the last minute   46   today was a very special occasion. It was almost  47  by getting there an hour beforehand that she   48  to cause the plane to arrive sooner.   49  raced through her mind.“Do I look all right? Will he notice that I’m wearing a   50  trouser suit? Will he even  51  me?” After all it was a year almost to the day since she had   52  seen Joe. She fished a   53  out of her handbag and inspected her face. Too much make-up? Joe had  54  made any comment but she knew that he did not approve of (赞成)heavy make-up—“gilding the lily” he  55  it. It was funny how much importance she attached to   56  a good impression on him. After all friends do not judge each other by  57  .All the same it was the first meeting after a long separation and she wanted everything to 58  right.

       Looking out of the window Joe  59  a first glimpse through a break in the  60  of the town far below. Certainly it was very flattering that they had   61  him to be the guest lecturer at their Autumn Congress yet again. The Chairman of the Organizing Committee as a matter of courtesy(礼貌),had   62  to meet him at the airport as he had done on previous occasions. This time    63  it was not necessary    64  because Joe was quite familiar  with  the city but mainly because Anna had said that she could  65  the afternoon off in order to come and meet him.

46.A.and   B.but    C.for    D.as

47.A.because    B.since C.as if  D.when

48.A.thought    B.liked C.had   D.hoped

49.A.Idea  B.Facts C.Thoughts  D.Matters

50.A.new  B.strange     C.latest D.single

51.A.like   B.recognize  C.terrify      D.tell

52.A.before      B.recently    C.last    D.most

53.A.purse B.handkerchief    C.mirror      D.book

54.A.never       B.almost      C.often D.regularly

55.A.told   B.called       C.saw   D.thought

56.A.offering    B.taking       C.having      D.making

57.A.appearance       B.clothes      C.make-up   D.looking

58.A.come across     B.turn up     C.go off       D.get out

59.A.caught      B.left    C.enjoyed    D.met

60.A.air    B.rain   C.train  D.clouds

61.A.employed B.invited      C.told   D.informed

62.A.offered     B.arrived     C.intended   D.attempted

63.A.therefore  B.however   C.instead      D.as well

64.A.luckily     B.really       C.partly       D.separately

65.A.put    B.make C.take   D.leave


46---50BCDCA    51—55BCCAB   56—60DACAD


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