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Schoolgirls have been wearing such short skirts that a Staffordshire school has ordered them to wear trousers instead. All skirts will be banned(禁止)from September at Paget High School in Branston. Tight-fitting(紧身的) trousers will also be banned and Muslim head-dressed will have to be “School blue” colour.

Head teacher Don Smith said “one of the big problems for us at the school has been the number of girls who have been wearing improperly(不适当地) short skirts. This has been an area of special concern at a time when there have been a lot of wrong ideas of being beautiful.” Mr Smith said it would be impossible to determine(决定) how long girls’ skirts should be and that a blanket ban would be easier for teachers to carry out.

The head teacher said pupils’ and other teachers’ opinions were asked for before the new rule was set. The new clothing policy(政策) has been explained in a letter sent to parents of the school’s 1 000 pupils and will come into force after the summer holiday.

The school also wants pupils to wear clip-on ties(夹式领带) instead of traditional neckwear. This rule will be gradually out over the next year and support will be given to parents unable to afford the new tie.

One parent whose teenage daughter studies at school said “I completely agree some girls were wearing skirts that were too short. However I think girls should be allowed to wear skirts. Other school manage to let girls wear skirts while making sure they are not improperly dressed. I don’t see why Paget can’t do the same”

1.What can we know about schoolgirls at Paget High School from the first


A. Trousers will have to give way to their skirts.

B. They will have to say goodbye to skirts on school days.

C. They will be allowed to wear head-dresses in different colours.

D. They will be allowed to wear tight-fitting trousers instead of short skirts.

2. The underline phrase “ a blanket ban” probably means “ __________”.

A. a ban on blankets B. a ban on short and tight clothes

C. a complete ban D. a sudden ban

3.What can we know from the passage?

A. Teachers called the pupils’ parents to explain the new rule.

B. Pupils will have to wear clip-on ties after the summer holiday.

C. Paget High School will provide clip-on ties for pupils for free.

D. Opinions were collected before the new clothing policy was made.

4.What does the parent mentioned in the last paragraph think of the new rule?

A. He isn’t satisfied(满意)with it.

B. He shows no interest in it.

C. He is pleased with it.

D. He doubts whether it can be carried out.



分 析:
这篇短文讲述的是一个学校颁布了新的校规,规定女生禁止穿裙子。原因是有些女生穿的裙子太短,很不得体。学校也征求了学生和老师的意见,最终做出了这个决定。1.细节理解题。根据短文第一段中All skirts will be banned(禁止)from September at Paget High School in Branston可知,在Paget 中学,从九月份起禁止女学生们穿裙子。因此她们要和裙子说再见了,故选B。根据Tight-fitting(紧身的) trousers will also be banned可知D不对。A和C不符合文意。2.词义猜测题。根据文意和短语所在的句子可知,校长Smith先生说女孩们穿短裙一直是学校里的一个问题,至于女孩们应该穿多长的裙子,这很难决定,所以干脆禁止穿裙子,这样老师们操作起来会更容易一些。所以这里a blanket ban的意思就是彻底禁止。故选C。3.推理判断题。根据短文第三段中The head teacher said pupils’ and other teachers’ opinions were asked for before the new rule was set.可知,在制定这个新的规则之前,学校也咨询过学生和老师们的意见,故应该选D。根据The new clothing policy(政策) has been explained in a letter sent to parents可知A不符合文意;根据短文第四段的内容可知B不对;C选项在短文中并没有提到。4.细节理解题。根据短文最后一段中一位学生家长所说的话可知,这位学生家长觉得有些女孩穿的裙子的确太短了,但是他也不同意就干脆不让女生穿裙子了。故应该选A。
作业帮用户 2017-06-05