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All this A Walk in the Clouds has going for it, yet it comes up surprisingly short as a love story, and it's not all Reeves' fault. His character is a nice guy with simple dreams, and that spells boring unless the actor involved can provide some shadings. There are times when Reeves delivers a line like "She is like the air to me" as though he were reading it off a cue card for the first time, and you just want to grab him around the neck in a well-intentioned but ultimately futile effort to wring some intonation out of his voice. Aitana Sanchez-Gijon is lovely, but there's not much interesting about her either, which presents the dilemma of a romance that's often hard to care much about. A Walk in the Clouds may not be the best romance around, but it has enough style and spark to cast its own unique spell.
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