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The Great Debaters The film depicts Willie debate team defeated Harvard College,Samantha Brook is the only woman of the debate team,a very powerful woman,in the face of male debaters have no fear,and she want to be a lawyer.Henry Lowe is a brash,outspoken young man,smart,fearless,but very rebellious,I do not like him,I think he is disloyal to love,not deserve specific Samantha.Melvin Tolson,social activists,the unified local shares tenant farmers (sharecroppers),and he is a powerful public speaking,selection and debate team coach,the debate team responsible sneak a look at their game with Harvard.James Farmer is a tutoring,the 14-year-old went to college,in my opinion,he is a genius character,his rigorous work ethic is handed down from his father - the first woman to win a doctoral degree black.Hamilton Burgess is a conservative young man who shys away from the controversy away from the stage of the debate.I do not like him ,and I am very happy to see that the last game he can only listen,rather than to go to the present.Conflict in the movie:1,Whites and blacks conflicts.In the movie,the Farmer's father hit the pigs,two white pull out a weapon to blackmail him,and insulted; where blacks were free to put to death,burned at the stake too shocking.Whites and blacks can not enjoy the same rights,including education
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