早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
while the sun still shines, go and find the person you are looking for,
while the breeze feels warm, go and find the person you are looking for,
while the flowers haven't wilted yet, go and find the person you are looking for,
while time is still on your side, go and find the person you are looking for,
while you can afford to travel a long way, go and find the person you are looking for,
while you can articulate your deepest thoughts, go and find the person you are looking for,
while your world isn't crowded yet, go and find the person you are looking for,
while the plane hasn't taken off yet, go and find the person you are looking for,
while you can use both of your hands to hug, go and find the person you are looking for,
while you still have breath remaining in you, go and find the person you are looking for.
while the breeze feels warm, go and find the person you are looking for,
while the flowers haven't wilted yet, go and find the person you are looking for,
while time is still on your side, go and find the person you are looking for,
while you can afford to travel a long way, go and find the person you are looking for,
while you can articulate your deepest thoughts, go and find the person you are looking for,
while your world isn't crowded yet, go and find the person you are looking for,
while the plane hasn't taken off yet, go and find the person you are looking for,
while you can use both of your hands to hug, go and find the person you are looking for,
while you still have breath remaining in you, go and find the person you are looking for.
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