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Whether or not vegetarianism should be advocated for adults,it is definitely unsatisfactory for growing children,who need more protein than they can get from vegetable sources.A lacto-vegetarian (part milk,part vegetable) diet,which includes milk and milk products such as cheese,can,however,be satisfactory as long as enough milk and milk products are consumed.
Meat and cheese are the best sources of usable animal protein and next come milk,fish and eggs.Slow and careful cooking of meat makes it more digestible and assists in the breaking down of the protein content by the body.When cooking vegetables,however,the vitamins,and in particular the water-soluble (溶解于水的) Vitamin C,should not be lost through over-cooking.With fruit,vitamin loss is too small to be important,because the cooking water is normally eaten along with the fruit,and natural chemicals in the fruit help to hold in the vitamin C.Most nutrition (营养) experts today would recommend a balanced diet containing elements of all foods,largely because of our need for sufficient vitamins.Vitamins were first called "added food factors" when they were discovered in 1906.Most foods contain these other substances necessary for health,in addition to carbohydrates (碳水化合物),fats,minerals and water.The most common deficiency in Western diets today is lack of vitamins.The answer is variety in food.A well-balanced diet,having sufficient amounts of milk,fruit,vegetables,eggs,and meat,fish or chicken (i.e.any good protein source),usually provides the minimum daily requirement of all the vitamins.
6.Vegetarianism is not suitable for growing children because they ________.
A.need more protein than vegetables can supply
B.cannot digest vegetables
C.use more energy than adults
D.cannot easily digest milk and milk products
7.A lacto-vegetarian can eat _________.
A.cheese,beef,and nuts
B.carrots,milk,and rice
C.potatoes,ham,apples,and beans
D.tomatoes,bacon,and oranges
8.Slow and careful cooking of meat ________.
A.preserves the vitamins
B.breaks down the vitamins
C.makes it easier to digest
D.reduces the protein content
9.The reason why the vitamin loss in fruit is not important is that ________.
A.vitamins in fruit are not removed by cooking
B.chemicals are often used in the cooking of fruit
C.fruit has too few vitamins to be important to one's diet
D.the cooking water is usually eaten along with the fruit
10.Most nutrition experts today believe the food we eat should contain ________.
A.more meat than vegetables
B.more vegetables than meat
C.fruit,cereals and fish as well as meat and vegetables
D.as many different kinds of vegetables as possible
6 A. need more protein than vegetables can supply
7 B. carrots, milk, and rice
8 C. makes it easier to digest
9 D. the cooking water is usually eaten along with the fruit
10 C. fruit, cereals and fish as well as meat and vegetables

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