早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


As I was taking a walk with my mom,I asked her,"Have you taken the senior bus yet?"I held my breath as I waited for her(41)___."Oh,yes,I have,"she said."How was it?"I said the words as (42)___ as I could to show my excitement,even though I sensed the answer was not going to he (43)___.She sighed heavily,"No one ever (44)___on that bus.They all sit there quietly and look sad,I only see about thirteen(45)___old ladies and men."My (46)___for her situation grasped my stomach.
My dad had recently passed away,and his sudden leave made my mother (47)___and frightened.For fifty-seven years,my dad had walked by her side.Mom never learned to (48)___,so Dad drove her everywhere.Now,her wheels were gone,as one grandchild so properly (49)___ her situation.I knew she needed great(50)___to make the decision to take the senior bus.However,I firmly believed the(51)___wouldn't last too long,for Mom was so outgoing and active that she could talk with almost everybody whom she met in the street.
Several days later,when I came to visit her,I asked."Do they talk to you now?"She(52)___ and there was a sparkle in her eyes.It didn't take genius to figure out that the (53)___had changed."It was silly that all of us must sit there (54)___saying a word.So one morning when I (55)___,I greeted them and then remarked what a nice day it was.Soon,they began to (56)___and we chatted happily.Now we are friends and always have some good (57)___on the bus,"she replied.
My mother held the key to the (58)___of the other lonely people on that bus.A smile and some (59)___words were all it took.She sowed tiny seeds of (60)___for herself and her friends on the bus.
41.A.order B.instruction C.answer D.request
42.A.fluently B.cheerfully C.patiently D.quietly
43.A.typical B.scientific C.similar D.positive
44.A.talks B.eats C.drinks D.sleeps
45.A.moved B.depressed C.surprised D.encouraged
46.A.anger B.excitement C.sympathy D.forgiveness
47.A.stubborn B.selfish C.humorous D.lonely
48.A.drive B.cook C.dance D.paint
49.A.planned B.described C.copied D.handled
50.A.support B.expectation C.patience D.courage
51.A.silence B.friendship C.argument D.impression
52.A.complained B.smiled C.cried D.appeared
53.A.situation B.plan C.decision D.topic
54.A.for B.by C.without D.after
55.A.passed by B.got on C.stood up D.got back
56.A.apologize B.escape C.study D.respond
57.A.conversations B.suggestions C.examples D.reasons
58.A.ears B.hearts C.doors D.windows
59.A.sensitive B.responsible C.friendly D.official
60.A.honesty B.happiness C.imagination D.freedom.
41-45 CBDAB   46-50 CDABD   51-55ABACB    56-60 DABCB
41.C.考查名词辨析,根据前文I asked her,"Have you taken the senior bus yet;可知我应该是等待母亲的回答;故选C.
42.B.考查副词辨析.根据侯文I could to show my excitement,可知我是十分兴奋的,因此高兴地问;故选B.
44.A考查动词.根据后文的They all sit there quietly and look sad.可知他们在公交车上不开口说话.故选A.
46.C考查名词.A.anger愤怒,B.excitement 兴奋,C.sympathy 同情,D.forgiveness原谅;句意:我对她所处的情况的同情引起了我的好奇心.故选C.
48.A考查句意理解.根据后文的so Dad drove her everywhere.可知妈妈不会开车.故选A.
51.A考查句意理解.根据后文的for Mom was so outgoing and active that she could chat with almost everybody whom she met in the street.可知,此处应该是安静不会持续太久.故选A.
55.B考查固定词组.A.passed by路过,B.got on 上车,C.stood up 站起来,D.set out出发;此处指的是她上了车,故选B.