早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Here comes a story that many years ago a man arrived at a village in India to catch monkeys so he could sell them to zoos.The monkeys,however,were very clever and every sort of trap he set failed.A young boy watched the man's pathetic efforts and laughed.
The man said,"If you can catch me a monkey,I'll give you﹩2.That was a huge amount of money then.The boy went to his home and took a clay pot with a narrow neck.He placed a few nuts around the pot and put lots of nuts inside.He then tied the pot to a tree and told the man,"We should have a rest in a few hours.Let's wait in the village.The monkey will call us when he is ready."Certainly enough,a band of monkeys soon discovered the nuts and the pot.One slipped his hand in the pot and grabbed a handful of nuts,but he couldn't pull his hand out of the narrow opening of the pot because his fist(拳头) was clenched.The monkey feared and started making loud noises.Some of the other monkeys tried unsuccessfully to pull the pot off his hand.The boy and the man heard the noises and the boy got a big strong bag.As they approached the monkeys they all ran away except the one with its hand in the pot.The boy grabbed the monkey and the pot.The man was amazed and asked the boy the secret of his monkey trap,"Why was it so easy for the monkey to get his hand in but so hard to get it out?"The boy laughed and said,"The monkey could have easily got his hand back out and escaped,but he would have had to let go of the nuts in the pot and he just wasn't willing to let go.They never are."What lessons can be learned from this story?Do people sometimes trap themselves by holding onto things that they should let go?Do you?
25.What does the underlined word"clenched"in the 4th paragraph probably mean?___
A.quickly pushed
B.lightly pulled
C.tightly fastened
D.closely held
26.Why couldn't the monkey pull his hand out of the pot?The reason lies in that___.
A.the pot's neck was too narrow
B.the monkey wouldn't let go of the nuts
C.the monkey's fist was too big
D.the nuts in the pot were too delicious
27.Which of the statement is NOT true according to the story?___
A.The boy just played a trick on the man.B.The monkeys were too clever to be trapped.C.The boy was helpful.D.The boy could ask for﹩2 from the man.
28.What might be the best title of this passage?___
A.the monkey and the boy                 
B.the boy and the pot
C.the monkey and the pot                 
D.the man and the pot.
25.D,词义猜测题,根据后文句子The monkey could have easily got his hand back out and escaped,but he would have had to let go of the nuts in the pot and he just wasn't willing to let go可知,猴子只要把手里的坚果放开就能很容易地把手拿出来,可以推测clenched的意思就是"拳头紧握着",故答案为D.
26.B,细节理解题,根据句子The monkey could have easily got his hand back out and escaped,but he would have had to let go of the nuts in the pot and he just wasn't willing to let go可见,猴子的手拿不出来是因为握着坚果,故答案为B.