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Customer:Paying for this is adding insult to injury.I mean,surely you're going to make good on this cassette player.It's ...it's ...it's a good cassette player,but it's just defective.I mean,I can't pay for this.
Clerk:Sir,I'm sorry,we have the six-month rule for a reason.We can't ...
Customer:Well,but you can bend the rule a little bit.
Clerk:...make an exception for you.Then we'll have to make an exception for everybody.(Well,but look ...) You could say it's only a month,it's only two months.
Customer:I just lost twenty dollars worth of tapes.
Clerk:Sir,I'm sorry,it's too late.
Customer:It actually ate the tapes.I mean,they're destroyed.I mean—
Clerk:Well,sir,you knew (I ...) when your warranty ran out.You should (Well ...) have brought it in before.It was (Well ...look ...) guaranteed for six months.I'm sorry,there's nothing I can do.
Customer:Paying for this is adding insult to injury.I mean,surely you're going to make good on this cassette player.It's ...it's ...it's a good cassette player,but it's just defective.I mean,I can't pay for this.
add insult to injury 的意思就是不但受伤了还受到侮辱.在这个语境里就是相当于“雪上加霜,伤口上撒把盐”之类的.make good on是指兑现(诺言)补偿之类的.鉴于上下文,我觉得大意是这个顾客有点胡搅蛮缠无理取闹吧,所以这里他说的make good on是指卖方应该兑现免费修理录音机的承诺,当然,这里是他自认为过期也可以修.后面的句子也属于继续纠缠的部分,“这录音机好是好,但是个坏的(我猜你听的听力也是语无伦次的感觉吧),我的意思是,我不能花钱修这个(这才是他的意图).