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云南河口中越口岸公路大桥的修建是根据1996年 10月9日《中国云南省政府代表团与越南交通部运输代表团会议意向书》商定的,在双方共同努力下,历经三年的多次协商和正式会谈,终於合作成功。公路大桥桥型为4孔3墩,2台钢筋混土梁式桥、桥面与中越铁路大桥同高,桥梁全宽15米。全长136.06米,中方一侧桥长61米,大桥的修建对促进两国间的经济贸易发展和友好合作具有重要的现实意义和历史意义,大大改善中越两国进出境、交通运输拥挤的状况。
The river mouth county total area is 1332 square kilometers, the mountain area share total area of 97.76%, even dam in the river valley have 2.24%.Govern river mouth, south river(nanxi) two towns, 4 country in Chiaotou, precious jade mountain, old Fan4 Zhai4, lotus pool.The county city carry on the back to depend on Wei such as natural cover of four connect foothill, front alongside the Hun muddy red river with pure of south river river.Red white two rivers are encircled Zhao county city by the thing, carry to remit to match at the county city south and note a person Vietnam.Separate river and old business center, Liu3 Shi4 Cheng2's tripod in the valley in Vietnam sign it power.The county south of the Wu autonomy of of river mouth town carry and locate at beautiful in the scene of four connect under the foot of a hill, the southeast for south river river, red river two rivers surround and separate river and Vietnam the old street, Liu3 Liang3 Shi4 in the valley mutually hope.The northwest connect the precious jade mountain country, northeast and south river a town for the Lin, total area 185.2 square kilometer, have boundary national territorial line is 55 kilometers(diagram flat surface distance), halt a ground of elevation 76.4 meter, is cloud the expensive Chuan elevation be a little bit lowest.Govern the city area, city suburb, dam spread 3 office and have 3 residents' committee;7 nature village and river mouth, dam spread two state-run rubber farm.
Problem complement:In river mouth in Yunnan more the seaport highway big bridge build according to 1996 October 9 day 《China provincial government delegation of Yunnan and Vietnam Ministry of Transportation & Communications conveyance the meeting agreement of delegation 》agree after negotiation of, at under the joint effort, both parties experience successively for three years of many times consultation and formal talks, eventually Wu cooperation success.The highway big bridge bridge type's ising 4 bores is 3 Duns, 2 reinforcing bar mix soil beam type bridge, bridge noodles with medium more the railroad big bridge together Gao, the bridge whole breadth be 15 meters.Whole long 136.06 meter, the Mainland a side bridge long 61 meter, build of big bridge to promote 2 of economy trade development and amity cooperation have importance of reality meaning and history meaning, consumedly on the mend more two country enter departure, transportation hustle of condition.