早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.I _____ you were here.When did you come back from Australia?
A.don’t know
B.not know
C.didn’t know D.wasn’t know
2.—Have you moved into the new flat?
—Not yet.It _____.
A.is being painted
B.is painted
C.is painting D.is being painting
3.As mother was ill,I _____ stay at home to look after her.
A.have to
C.will D.had to
4.Byron is _____ to travel all over the world,but he often says he has no money to do so.
A.too rich
B.so rich
C.rich enough D.enough rich
5.The high-rises you are living in is _____ the one I’m living in.
A.twice as high as
B.twice as higher as
C.as twice high as D.as high as twice
6.I’d like to buy _____ wood to make a round table.
A.a little
B.a few
C.a piece of D.several pieces of
7.We couldn’t eat in a restaurant because _____ of us had _____ money on us.
A.all… no
C.none…any D.no one…any
8.Is it necessary for students to learn _____ foreign language besides English?
A.a second
C.two D.the second
9._____ of the teachers in this school are in _____.
A.Two-thirds; twenties
B.Two-threes; twenty
C.Two-thirds; their twenties D.Fourth-three; the twenties
10.—I’d really like some lunch but I have so much work to do.
—_____ what you want and I can get it for you.
A.Tell me
B.If you would say to me
C.You will tell me D.If you tell me
11.It’s the third time that John has been late,_____?
A.hasn’t he
B.isn’t he
C.isn’t it D.hasn’t it
12.You can work out the problem ____ this way.
C.in D.with
13.Rebecca is a very careful girl _____ her brother is very careless.
C.so D.when
14.The reason for my delay is _____ I forgot my keys.
C.what D.which
15.This is our teaching building _____windows face south.
C.of which D.of whose
16.If we work with a strong will,we can overcome any difficulty,_____ great it is.
C.however D.whatever
17.The old professor _______ something serious.Don’t bother him now.
A.seems to think of
B.seems to have thought about
C.seems to be thinking of D.seemed thinking about
18.I don’t know why she avoids ______ her opinion on the subject.
A.to give
B.to be given
C.giving D.being giving
19.______ such a good chance,he planned to learn more.
B.Having given
C.Having been given D.To be given
20.Science has made ________ possible for machines to take the place of human labour.
C.this D.it is
1-5CADCB 6-10DCAAA 11-15CCAAC 16-20CCCCB
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