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The play features three interconnecting plots,connected by a celebration of the weddingof Theseus of Athens andthe Amazonqueen, Hippolyta.
Inthe beginning, hermia's father forced hermia to marry demetrius, at thattime the Greek rules that family may decide to her daughter's marriage, anddaughter must abide , otherwise she will be put to death or exile. Hermia isnot willing to, meet in the forest at night with lysander and ran away. Hermiatold her plan to her best friend Helena; Helena only recently been refused by demetrius, in order to get the favorof demetrius, Helena told the plan to demetrius. In the evening, demetriustracked Helena, and Helena tracked hermia, and hermia are eager to findlysander at the same time, all of them got lost in the forest andseparated, then they got tired and took a nap to rest under the tree.
Meanwhile, Oberon, king of the fairies,and his queen, Titania,have come to the forest outside Athens. and plansto attend duke Theseus and hippolyta queen's wedding.Titania refused to lend her Indian young elf toOberon as his servant, so Oberon decided to punish the Titania. Oberonordered the elf to picked herb trinity, and droped flower juice on her eyelids secretly,so that when the Titania wake up,shewould fall in love with the first person she saw. Parker also found Lysanderand hermia who both in asleep, he put pansy flower juice on their eyelids, andhope they could woke up and fall in love as well.


Meanwhile, Quince and hisband of six labourers have arranged to perform their play about Pyramus and Thisbe for Theseus' wedding and venture into the forest, near Titania's bower, for theirrehearsal. Bottom is spotted by Puck, whotransforms his head into that of a donkey. When Bottomreturns for his next lines, the other workmen run screaming in terror, much toBottom's confusion, since he hasn't felt a thing during the transformation.Determined to wait for his friends, he begins to sing to himself. Titania isawakened by Bottom's singing and immediately falls in love with him. Shelavishes him with attention and presumably makes love to him. While she is inthis state of devotion, Oberon takes the changeling. Having achieved his goals,Oberon releases Titania, orders Puck to remove the donkey's head from Bottom,and arranges everything so that Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius, and Helena willbelieve that they have been dreaming when they awaken.

The fairies then disappear,and Theseus and Hippolyta arrive on the scene, during an early morning hunt.They wake the lovers and, since Demetrius does not love Hermia any more,Theseus overrules Egeus's demands and arranges a group wedding. The loversdecide that the night's events must have been a dream. After they all exit,Bottom awakes, and he too decides that he must have experienced a dream"past the wit of man". In Athens, Theseus, Hippolyta and the loverswatch the six workmen perform Pyramus and Thisbe. Given a lack of preparation, theperformers are so terrible playing their roles to the point where the guestslaugh as if it were meant to be a comedy, and afterward everyone retires tobed. Afterward, Oberon, Titania, Puck, and other fairies enter, and bless thehouse and its occupants with good fortune. After all other characters leave,Puck "restores amends" and suggests to the audience that what theyjust experienced might be nothing but a dream

Lovers returned to Athens, hermia's father nolonger insist on his decision, because he saw demetrius had changed his mind.Lovers happy to attend duke Theseus and hippolyta queen's wedding, threecouples get married at the same time, and watch burton the waver and hisfriends performed a tragedy which is no longer a tragedy.
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