早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Last Saturday,my parents and I went to summer camp.We went to the mountains.
Last Saturday,my parents and I went to summer camp.We went to the mountains,we 31______ at the foot of the mountain 32_____ bus.In the middle of the mountain there was a river(河流).The water was very 33______.There were some fish in the river.On the mountain there 34_______ flowers(花).They were very 35______.At noon(中午),many people got together(一起),it was so 36_______.We 37________ our meal(饭)on the mountain.The food was very 38______.After eating,we went on our trip.At last,we got to the top of the mountain.We were all very 39_______.It was really 40_______.
( )31.A.walked B.arrived C.lived
( )32.A.on B.in C.by
( )33.A.bad B.clean C.dirty
( )34.A.were B.got C.would
( )35.A.beautiful B.ugly C.shy
( )36.A.quiet B.terrible C.crowded
( )37.A.did B.do C.made
( )38.A.delicious B.cheap C.healthy
( )39.A.surprised B.clever C.happy
( )40.A.sorry B.interesting C.scary
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