早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
We have rather a small house,with only two bedrooms.You can think our alarm(恐慌),then,when
Aunt Clara wrote to say that she was coming to stay with her family for the weekend.Her family,I should say,has four boys,all under the age of twelve.
I sent off a telegram(电报) at once,and explained(解释) in it that our house was too small.Aunt Clara called us up the next morning.‘ I forgot to explain,’ she said in her sweetest voice,‘the boys will be bringing a couple of tents (帐篷).’
Even so my wife couldn’t make free from fear (害怕).It was true that we had a large garden,but there was still the problem of feeding (喂养) four growing boys.
‘And what if it rains ’ she asked.
But Saturday morning turned out to be bright and clear when I went to the station to meet Aunt Clara.I tried to squeeze (往车里塞) three of the boys,together with the luggage (行李),into the back of the car.The youngest sat in front,with Aunt Clara and me.
‘I didn’t see the tents among your luggage,’ I turned over and said to David,the eldest boy.
‘ The tents ’ said Aunt Clara.‘Oh!We left them in the luggage van(行李车厢).
We have rather a small house,with only two bedrooms.You can think our alarm(恐慌),then,when
Aunt Clara wrote to say that she was coming to stay with her family for the weekend.Her family,I should say,has four boys,all under the age of twelve.
I sent off a telegram(电报) at once,and explained(解释) in it that our house was too small.Aunt Clara called us up the next morning.‘ I forgot to explain,’ she said in her sweetest voice,‘the boys will be bringing a couple of tents (帐篷).’
Even so my wife couldn’t make free from fear (害怕).It was true that we had a large garden,but there was still the problem of feeding (喂养) four growing boys.
‘And what if it rains ’ she asked.
But Saturday morning turned out to be bright and clear when I went to the station to meet Aunt Clara.I tried to squeeze (往车里塞) three of the boys,together with the luggage (行李),into the back of the car.The youngest sat in front,with Aunt Clara and me.
‘I didn’t see the tents among your luggage,’ I turned over and said to David,the eldest boy.
‘ The tents ’ said Aunt Clara.‘Oh!We left them in the luggage van(行李车厢).
我立刻回了份电报希望能跟Clara婶婶说明下现在的情况,那就是我们家的房子实在太小了.Clara婶婶第2天给我来了个电话,她用她甜美的嗓音说到:"我忘了跟你们说了,我会让那4个小子带着帐篷的." 听了她的解释我的妻子仍然不能释怀,我们家有个大庭院这是实话.但是她所担心的是那4个正在张身体的小伙子的饭量.于是她又问道"如果下雨了该怎么办?"
我立刻回了份电报希望能跟Clara婶婶说明下现在的情况,那就是我们家的房子实在太小了.Clara婶婶第2天给我来了个电话,她用她甜美的嗓音说到:"我忘了跟你们说了,我会让那4个小子带着帐篷的." 听了她的解释我的妻子仍然不能释怀,我们家有个大庭院这是实话.但是她所担心的是那4个正在张身体的小伙子的饭量.于是她又问道"如果下雨了该怎么办?"
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