早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
An English t_____ in our school
I will show you a ____ our school
There are three b____ in our school.Two of them are the t____ buildings
In the t_____ building,there are some m_____ laboratories
You can choose the teachers and e____ every classroom as you like
An English t_____ in our school
I will show you a ____ our school
There are three b____ in our school.Two of them are the t____ buildings
In the t_____ building,there are some m_____ laboratories
You can choose the teachers and e____ every classroom as you like
An English (teacher) in our school
I will show you (around)our school.
There are three (buildings) in our school. Two of them are the (teaching) buildings
In the (teaching) building, there are some (major) laboratories
You can choose the teachers and (even) every classroom as you like
I will show you (around)our school.
There are three (buildings) in our school. Two of them are the (teaching) buildings
In the (teaching) building, there are some (major) laboratories
You can choose the teachers and (even) every classroom as you like
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