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My grandfather passed away today.He had a 1.excessivemassiveexclusiveoffensive heart attack.2.DueBecauseAlthoughSince of his treatment he was in a lot of pain.You see,the doctors were able to keep his body 3.alivelivelylivedlive,even though there was little chance of saving him.The 4.worstlastmostpoor part of it was that my grandfather,who had always been quite humorous,could 5.presentlybarelyjustlyslightly communicate after that.He just didn't seem to be the 6.distinctivesameidenticalinfluential person anymore.
My grandfather was a fat man.After the 7.blowinfectionstrokestrike,it took my grandmother,my mother and me to dress him each morning.After he was dressed,we 8.adjustedinserteddecoratedsecured his pillow and sat him in his bed.His everyday life was wholly 9.consistedcomprisedincludedconstituted of watching whatever was on the TV.He couldn't 10.tooevenalsojust change the channel.
The doctors had worked hard to 11.lethavekeepwant him alive.However,a few weeks 12.latelaterbeforeafterward they told us something disappointing.The surgical 13.structureoperationventureadventure had not been successful.My grandfather's condition had no 14.cluebadgesignsignal of improvement.Next,X-rays showed my grandfather had obtained a lung 15.reductionaffectioninfectioncorruption—a frequent problem with stroke patients.Drugs would make him sick and could not 16.ensureenduresecurecure him.
That was the time for us to make a 17.regrettableviolentroughtough decision.On the one hand,we could not 18.toleratebearendurepermit to see our once vigorous grandfather suffering.He was living the painful,limited life to which the stroke had 19.rejectedaccusedcondemneddamned him.On the other hand,we hated to be the one to decide to let nature take its course.
At last we decided that the right thing to do would be to let him die with 20.privilegepaceembracegrace.
He died a peaceful death.
1. massive
2. Because
3. alive
4. worst
5. barely
6. same
7. stroke
8. adjusted
9. comprised
10. even
11. keep
12. later
13. operation
14. sign
15. infection
16. cure
17. tough
18. bear
19. condemned
20. grace
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