早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Obama's colorful expression-"close the barn door after the horse is out"-comes from the older saying"to close the barn door after the horse has bolted".To "bolt" was originally a horse or mule,to mean it had run away after it was startled or frightened.This idiom then became a collcquial expression meaning "try to action(to solve a problem)when it's already too late".
Obama's colorful expression-"close the barn door after the horse is out"-comes from the older saying"to close the barn door after the horse has bolted".To "bolt" was originally a horse or mule,to mean it had run away after it was startled or frightened.This idiom then became a collcquial expression meaning "try to action(to solve a problem)when it's already too late".
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