早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.----What film have you seen recently?
----I saw a film “Garfield”last Saturday.
A.calling B.called C.to call D.call
2.Lunch box is a kind of box we can use again.The underlined part means .
A.useful B.used C.reused D.reusable
3.----I have read the novel twice.
----Oh,I see.wonder you are quite familiar with it.
A.Not B.No C.Don’t D.It’s
4.----Why not come out and play games with us?
----I’m not out on school nights.
A.allowed to go B.allowed going
C.allowing to go D.allowing going
5.----Do you know the man is doing an interview with our head teacher?
----Yes,she’s a reporter from JXTV.
A.which B.whose C.whom D.who
6.----I’m sorry to say that the river in our village is becoming dirtier and dirtier.What should we do?
----I think we must stop the factories waste water into the river.
A.to pour B.to pouring C.from pouring D.from pour
7.----Hi!Tony!How will you go back after the school dance?
----Don’t worry about me.My father will .
A.pick me up B.get me up C.pick us me D.get me up
8.Harbin,Jiaxing is a warmer city in winter.
A.Compared with B.Comparing with
C.Compared to D.Comparing to
9.Though it’s late at mid-night,our teacher still stays up working for the lesson tomorrow.
A.and B.so C.but D./
10.Class!Please attention the rules in the library.
A.pay,to B.show,to C.show,for D.pay,for
11.----Is Daming a boy in fashion?
----You bet!He always wears clothes that unusual.
A.is B.am C.are D.was
12.----Do you take an active part in the English Evening Party?
----Yes,we are often more English at the party.
A.make speak B.made speak
C.made to speak D.making speak
13.----What are you up to?
----I’m looking for a cartoon book about The Monkey King.
----Would you like a hand .
----Many thanks to you.
A.find it B.to find it C.find out it D.to find out it
14.----I haven’t seen Wang Hui for three days?Is he ill?
---- .His mother told me that he was in hospital.
A.I hope not B.I’m afraid so C.I don’t expect D.I’m afraid not
15.---You are late for school again.What’s up?
----Oh,I’m really sorry.There’s with my bike.
A.wrong something B.something wrong
C.anything wrong D.wrong anything
(空格处就是填词处,第2题的“we can use again”应加横线)
1.I saw a film ________ “Garfield”last Saturday.
2.The underlined part means ________ .
3.________ wonder you are quite familiar with it.
4.I’m not ________ out on school nights.
5.Do you know the man ________ is doing an interview with our head teacher?
6.I think we must stop the factories ________ waste water into the river.
7.Don’t worry about me.My father will ________ .
8.________ Harbin,Jiaxing is a warmer city in winter.
9.Though it’s late at mid-night,________ our teacher still stays up working for the lesson tomorrow.
10.Class!Please ________ attention ________ the rules in the library.
11.You bet!He always wears clothes that ________ unusual.
12.Yes,we are often ________ more English at the party.
13.Would you like a hand ________ .
14.________ I’m afraid so.His mother told me that he was in hospital.
15.Oh,I’m really sorry.There’s ________ with my bike.
1.B 过去分词作定语
2.D 根据题意
3.B No wonder(难怪)固定搭配
4.A sb be allow to do sth (某人被允许做某事)
5.D 定语从句中,代词指代人且做主语时用Who
6.C stop from sb to do sth (阻止某人做某事)固定搭配
7.A pick sb up(接某人)固定搭配
8.B 动名词做主语
9.D 表转折时有though不用but
10.A pay attention to 固定搭配
11.A 据句子时态
12.C sb be made to do sth 被动语态特殊用法之一
13.B 可以用find it out(找出它)代词it 放中间,但没有这个选项.find it (找到它)也过得去吧
14.A 你已经给出答案了啊
15.B 形容词放不定代词之后