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帮忙翻译成英语 论文摘要 谢谢英语达人了
关键词:加工贸易; 发展现状; 问题和对策
With the continuous development of economic globalization,the internationalization of the strengthening trend of production,processing trade has become the tide of history,contemporary international division of labor and international trade as a major form of.30 years of reform and opening up,China's processing trade has developed rapidly,increasing the national income,promote economic growth,solve the employment,the introduction of foreign capital and export etc it has played the huge role.With the domestic and international economic situation changes,mainly labor-intensive processing trade is facing many difficulties,the processing trade in order to survive and develop must undertake the transformation and upgrading.This paper starts from the processing trade of our country develops current situation proceed with,secondly put forward our country in the development of processing trade in the problem of existence and influence,again on the problems existing in Chinese processing trade and put forward the corresponding countermeasures,the last of China's processing trade development prospect is put forward.
Key words:processing trade; development status; problem and countermeasure
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