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In modern society, an increasing number of people feel that apathy is prevailing. This phenomenon derived from several reasons.冷漠现象普遍,源自几方面.
First and foremost, in the past decades, economic development was the top agenda for many people. Their priority was given to earn money, which results in blindness to other aspects of life, such as moral pursuit and friendship. People spend less time with their family and their friends. Even less was spared to interact with their neighbors. Quite a number of people keep distance from their relatives, too.首先经济建设是很多人的首要日程,挣钱摆在第一位,多其他方面会漠视. Secondly, the awareness of individualism also explains the apathy. Young people, in particular, no longer embrace collectivism and seem to care their interest more than their fathers’ generation do. In addition, education and influence from other media all impact people其次,.个人主义的觉醒,尤其是年轻人不再拥抱集体主义更关注个人利益.而且教育和其他媒体也影响人们.
This is really hurt for a country with a long history of emphasizing relationship between people. Thus, we need to transform such aloofness into harmony.这对于拥有重视人际关系的漫长历史的中国来说很受伤,因此需要从冷漠转型——和谐.
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