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求一篇题为my view on study overseas的英语作文,急!词数150以上
Nowadays, study abroad has increasingly become a hottopic in campus with the improvement of the people’s life standard and the fastdevelopment of student exchange programs. However, there are some differentviews about going abroad to study.现在,随着生活水平的提高以及交换生项目的快速发展,出国留学已经不断成为校园的热题.然而,有的人对出国留学持有不同观点.Some people are in favor of the idea of going abroadto study. They point out the fact that it is a great opportunity for those whostudy abroad to be exposed to more new ideas and trends and broaden theirhorizons in a great degree. They also argue that those who study abroad can getmore in touch with the foreign cultures and have a better surrounding to learnlanguage well. In addition, they also consider that it is a better choice forthose who depend on their parents too much to be independent.有的人赞成出国留学的想法.他们指出,事实上,这对那些出国留学的人来说是个很好的机会.他们可以接触到更多新的思想潮流,这在很大程度上能够拓展他们的视野.他们还认为,那些出国留学的人可以更好的接触外国文化,有更好的环境学好语言.另外,他们认为这对那些过于依赖父母而不能独立的人来说是更好的选择.On the contrary, other people stand on a differentground. They consider that it is harmful for the students who study abroad. Theyfirmly point out that learning a foreign language and communicating smoothlywith the local people is far from an easy thing at the outset for most students.What’s worse, it also takes time for students to adapt themselves to a newdiet, custom, set of ideas and even the climate.相反,其他人对此持有不同的观点.他们认为这对出国留学的学生是有害的.他们坚定地指出,学习一门外语,与当地人进行流利的沟通对大部分学生来说一开始就不是件容易的事.更糟的是,学生也需要花时间去适应新的饮食,风俗,思维模式甚至是气候.There are some truths in their arguments. As far as Iam concerned, the advantages of studying abroad overweight the disadvantages,while it’s essential to take the condition of family as an important premisewhen deciding to go abroad to study.他们说的都有道理.就我而言,我觉得出国留学的利大于弊,而且决定出国留学的时候有必要把家庭条件作为一个重要的前提.