早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


小题1:The workers’ demand that their pay ______ (raise) by 10 percent will be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.
小题2:The man was observed ______ (enter) the room where something expensive was lost, so he was suspected of theft.
小题3:I intended ______ (phone) you this morning, but I was too busy.
小题4:We’ve been friends since we met last week. I feel as if we ­______ (know) each other for years.
小题5:The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talk, ______ (add) that he had  enjoyed his stay here.
小题6:Gift in hand, the man returned home cheerfully, only ______ (tell) that his wife had been sent to hospital because of a car accident.
小题7:______ (compare) prices of the same goods in the two different supermarkets, and you will find most of them are slightly different.
小题8:A proper approach to ______ (improve) your learning efficiency is of great significance to every student.
小题9:At the conference, representatives from different countries pointed out that, unless properly ______ (deal) with, the climate situation would get worse and worse.
小题10:All the students and teachers ______ (seat), the headmaster began his speech.

小题1:(should) be raised
小题2:to enter
小题3:to have phoned
小题4:had known
小题6:to be told