早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.他在农村工作的时候,经历了很多困难.[go through]
2.你的鞋带松了,得把它系紧些.[get loose]
3.他故意把那个老人撞倒的.[on purpose]
4.Thomas决定跟他的女朋友面对面地谈一次,向她表白.[face to face]
5.他的研究工作进展顺利,这使他很高兴.[get on/along well with]
6.The scenery holds me entirely in its attractive power
7.It is popular among young people to communicate with each other online.
8.We should be grateful to those who helped us and gave us opportunities.
9.In order to understand how the machine works,you need to have some knowledge of mechanics.
10.Mr.Greg lived alone in the countryside and often felt lonely.
he went through plenty of hardship when working in the counrtyside
your shoes ties get losse,tie it.
he knocked down the oldman on purpose
thomas decided to talk to his girl friend face to face again to justify himself
his research getting on well makes him happy
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