早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


John is eight years old,and he is a very funny boy.He works hard,so he is good at his subjects.And his teachers and parents like him very much.But he has a very big head.Last year,he spent ten days at his uncle's home on summer holiday.His uncle lives in a mountain village(村庄)and it's about four hundred miles away from his city.He took  subway to a small town,there his uncle waited for(等候)him and took him to his house by bike.
John made some friends soon.They played together.But one afternoon he cried(哭)to his uncle,"All the children make fun of me.They say I have a big head."
"Don't listen to them,"his uncle said,"You have a beautiful head.Now stop crying and go to the store to buy some potatoes."
John asked,"Where is the shopping bag?""Oh,dear,I haven't got one.Use your hat."His uncle said.
42.John is good at his subjects because___.
A.he works hard    
B.his teachers like him
C.his parents like him    
D.he is a very funny boy
43.How long did John spend in his uncle's home last year?___
A.Four weeks.
B.Ten days.
C.Two months.
D.Ten hours.
44.How did John's uncle take him home?___
A.By subway.
B.By car.
C.By bike.
D.By bus.
45.From the last words,we know___.
A.John's uncle has a big head     
B.John can't buy potatoes
C.John has a beautiful hat        
D.John really has a big head
46.What's the best title (题目)of this article?___
A.A Big Head      
B.John's Uncle     
C.A Funny Boy     
D.A Boy with a Big Head.
42 A 细节理解题:根据He works hard,so he is good at his subjects他学习努力,因此他所有的科目都学得好,故答案为A.
43 B 细节理解题:根据Last year,he spent ten days at his uncle's home on summer holiday去年暑假,他在他叔叔家度过了10天,故答案为B.
44 C 细节理解题:根据there his uncle waited for(等候)him and took him to his house by bike他叔叔在那里等他并骑自行车把他带回家了,故答案为C.
45 D 句意理解推测题:根据John asked,"Where is the shopping bag?""Oh,dear,I haven't got one.Use your hat."His uncle said John问:购物袋在哪里?他的叔叔对John说,亲爱的,我没有,就用你的帽子吧.叔叔的意思是他的帽子很大,头自然也大,故答案为D.
46 D 主旨理解题:本文主要讲述了John是一个八岁的头很大的男孩,他很有趣,学习努力,成绩很好.去年暑假,他在他叔叔家度过了10天,由此在他叔叔家那里发生的事情.故答案为D,一个头很大的男孩.