早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
A Frenchman came to London to study English.He lived at his English friend’s home.He worked hard at his lessons.Every morning he did some reading by the window before he went to class.His friend,Grant,liked to keep birds.Every day,early in the morning he took his birds out of the room.Sometimes he hung his cage(鸟笼) on a tree in his garden or sometimes on his window upstairs.One morning when he took out his birdcage and tried to hang it on the window upstairs,the cage suddenly fell off his hand.He couldn’t catch it.
A Frenchman came to London to study English.He lived at his English friend’s home.He worked hard at his lessons.Every morning he did some reading by the window before he went to class.His friend,Grant,liked to keep birds.Every day,early in the morning he took his birds out of the room.Sometimes he hung his cage(鸟笼) on a tree in his garden or sometimes on his window upstairs.One morning when he took out his birdcage and tried to hang it on the window upstairs,the cage suddenly fell off his hand.He couldn’t catch it.
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