早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




We went into a secondhand shop to get out of the rain.

I took my 6-year-old daughter’s hand and we started to walk around. Suddenly she reached out her hand to touch a pair of shiny black shoes. ?

“Buy for me?” she asked.

“Oh Sweetie they are tap dancing ( 踢踏舞 ) shoes. You aren’t taking tap da nce.”

“Buy for me?” she repeated.

“Well let’s try them on.”

She sat on the floor and took off her bright pink rain boots . When she stood up we heard “click”. She took a step “click click click.”

The sun came out and we went on our way. Our next stop was the grocery store( 杂货店 ).

“Click click click…” people turned to look as we entered the store. People would never allow their daughter to wear tap dancing shoes to the grocery store . ?

“Excuse me dear. Why would you allow your daughter to wear tap dancing shoes here? They make such a noise.”

“Isn’t it wonderful?”

“Wonderful? My dear this is not the place to wear those shoes.”

“You don’t understand. When she was a baby doctors told us that she would never walk or talk. It has taken a lot of hard work and patience but she asked for the shoes and the ‘click click click’ says that she can walk ” I said.

My daughter is 18 now and will graduate from grade 12 in June. It has not always been easy but it has all be en worthwhile ( 值得做的 ). She has taught me that it doesn’t matter what others think. They don’t walk in your shoes.

1.Why did the mother and daughter go to the secondhand shop?

A. They just went window shopping.

B. The daughter loved the place.

C. They just found the place to hide from the rain.

D. The mother wanted to buy cheap shoes for her daughter.

2.People would never allow their daughter to wear tap dancing shoes to the grocery store because _________.

A. they make noise B. they ar e expensive

C. they are dirty D. it is not allowed
3.According to the story which of the following is TRUE?
A. The mother didn’t buy the tap dancing shoes for her daughter.

B. The mother allowed her daughter to do anything she wanted.

C. The mother had once thought of giving her daughter up.

D. For the mother the “click” noise sounded beautiful.

4.What does the sentence “ They don’t walk in your shoes mean? __________.

A. They don’t have the same shoes as yours.

B. They don’t know how you feel.

C. They don’t walk the same way as you.

D. They don’t know the size of your shoes.

5.The story wants to tell us ______.

A. the love between mother and daughter is strong

B. sometimes you shouldn’t care what others say

C. you should we ar the wrong shoes for your feet

D. wearing your own shoes helps you walk faster








分 析:
我们走进一家二手商店躲雨。我牵着 6 岁的女儿的手走着。突然 她伸出她的手触摸一双闪亮的黑色的鞋子。 买给我吗 ?” 她问。 亲爱的 他们是踢踏舞鞋。你没有跳踢踏舞。 ”“ 买给我吗 ?” 她重复道。 好吧 让我们试试。 她坐在地板上 脱下她明亮的粉红色雨靴。当她站起来我们听到 咔哒 。她迈进了一步 咔哒,咔哒,咔哒。 。太阳出来了 我们走上路。我们的下一站是杂货店。 咔哒,咔哒,咔哒 …” 当我们进入商店人们转向看我们。人们永远不会允许他们的女儿穿踢踏舞鞋杂货店。 对不起 亲爱的。为什么你让你的女儿穿踢踏舞鞋吗 ? 他们做出这样的噪音。 ”“ 是不是很美妙 ?”“ 精彩吗 ? 亲爱的 这不是穿那双鞋的地方。 当她是婴儿的时候 医生告诉我们她永远不会走路或说话。花了很多努力工作和耐心 但是她要求鞋和咔哒,咔哒,咔哒,说她可以走 我说。我女儿现在 18 12 年级毕业在 6 月。这并总是容易的 但它是值得做的。她告诉我 不管别人怎么想。他们不会体会你的感受。

1. 我们走进一家二手商店躲雨。这里的我们就是母亲与女儿。 故选 C



4. They don’t walk in your shoes” 他们不是穿你的鞋走路。那么联系母亲对孩子的提示为别人不能感觉到你的感受,

作业帮用户 2017-02-18
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