早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1:he went out of the restaurant,(without)He did not pay the bill 2:she bought a pair of boots,(instead of)she did not get a pair of shoes 3:she was afraid,(of)she did not spend the night along 4:(After)she heard the news ,she fainted 5:Thank carefully ,(before)Answer MY question 6:(on)I saw the plane coming towards me,I dashed for cover
想要正确答案,就采纳我的,100%正确 1:he went out of the restaurant,(without)He did not pay the bill He went out of the restaurant without paying the bill. 2:she bought a pair of boots,(instead of)she did not get a pair of shoes She bought a pair of boots instead of a pair of shoes. 3:she was afraid,(of)she did not spend the night along She was afraid of spending the night alone. 4:(After)she heard the news ,she fainted After she heard the news,she fainted./Ahter hearing the news,she fainted. 5:Thank carefully ,(before)Answer MY question Before answering my question,think carefully./Before you answer my question,think carefully. 6:(on)I saw the plane coming towards me,I dashed for cover On seeing the plane coming towards me,I dashed for cover
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