早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享





I stood there listening to dad’s severe(严厉的) words. He gathered us into our yard and had the look on his face that told us one of us did something   1 .

We stared down at the floor containing the art of a child’s   2 in chalk. I suppose that was a no-no(不可接受的行为) for us though I can’t say I quite   3 the result when I was committing the crime. All the others denied. I stood there   4 inside. The only words that came from my mouth were “Not me dad.” I couldn’t find the   5 to tell the truth. Lying was not    6 for me. But the look on dad’s face scared me.

Without saying a word dad   7 for only a few minutes and came back with paper and a pencil. He was so   8 to find the truth! “I want each of you to write   9 what you see on the floor.” I was not a     10 kid though and when my turn came I wrote the words   11 . So when my dad compared the handwriting he still   12 tell the truth.

“ I will give you one more chance to confess (承认) ” he said. Not   13 no one spoke up.

Should I say something? I guess he’ll be   14 ! So again I held my   15 . “Well if someone came forward there would be   16 punishment.” he added. Oh no! I’ve lost my last chance!

He took us into the house. “   17 none of you confessed then you all get a spanking (打屁股).” 

“I did it ” someone said. I looked around to see my sister come   18 . My sister was going to get spanked. And I let it   19 .

I didn’t tell the truth until years later. When I think back to that day I know I learned the   20 of family of a sister who would do anything for me. And I would do the same for her now.

1.A. special                B. funny            C. wrong            D. useless

2.A. handwriting            B. map              C. calculation      D. playing

3.A. understood         B. remembered       C. forgot           D. expected

4.A. cheering           B. imagining        C. trembling        D. wondering

5.A. courage                B. time             C. way              D. chance

6.A. unusual                B. unfit            C. normal           D. difficult

7.A. walked                 B. disappeared      C. hid              D. escaped

8.A. afraid             B. determined       C. surprised        D. proud

9.A. similarly              B. carefully        C. particularly     D. exactly

10.A. smart                 B. stupid           C. naughty          D. lovely

11.A. differently       B. strangely        C. quickly          D. quietly

12.A. would not             B. might not        C. could not        D. need not

13.A. excitingly   B. disappointingly  C. interestingly    D. surprisingly

14.A. mad                   B. curious          C. delighted        D. amused

15.A. breath                B. face             C. hand             D. tongue

16.A. heavy                 B. much             C. new              D. no

17.A. Since                 B. Although         C. Unless           D. While

18.A. out                   B. forward          C. in               D. round

19.A. remain                B. exist            C. happen           D. do

20.A. knowledge             B. use              C. sense            D. value


【答案】 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.A     6.C 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.B     11.A 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.D    16.D 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.D    
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