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Some people walk in their sleep but 14-year-old Bianca Ryan sings in her sleep! It’s something she began doing as a baby. She was just born to sing!

Bianca was born on September 1 1994. She her two brothers and sister had a very normal childhood in Philadelphia. For Bianca though her love of music began early. Dancing became her first interest at the age of 3. The little girl later entered and won national dance contests. But by the age of 7. Bianca discovered that she really enjoyed singing. She sang her first solos(独唱)in church.

At 8. Bianca entered a national talent show called Star Search (明日之星). Everyone was amazed by her wonderful voice. Even her father said he had never heard her sing like that. Bianca took second place and began looking for more contests to enter.

In 2006 Bianca the 11-year-old girl won the TV talent show called America’s Got Talent (美国达人). The performance of her first song immediately became one of the most-watched videos and she became popular.

Since winning the contest. Bianca’s life has changed greatly. Her first CD. Bianca Ryan came out in November 2006. Since then she has made TV appearances(露面) gone on American and European tours and performed at Disney World. Once when she was asked about advice for other kids Bianca said “You have to …believe in yourself. Get your parents to help you make your dream come true. If you can see it you can reach it.”

1.How many children are there in her family?

2.What was the first contest that she won?

3.In which contest did she win second place?

4.When did her first CD come out?

5.What does “it ” refer to(指)in the last sentence?

1.4/Four. 2.National dance contest./Dancing. 3.(A)national talent show called Star Search./(A)national talent show./(A)Star Search. 4.In November 2006./2006/When she was 12. 5.Dream.
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