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The first thing of the this map that catches our eyes is the entire map of the "Imperial Mountain Summer Resort".It is a whole picture of the mountain resort during the hayday of Qing Dynasty."Imperial Mountain Summer Resort" is also called the "Jehol Palace" or "Chengde Detached Palace".The total area of the resort is 5.64 million square metres.It is about twice the size of Beijing's Summer Palace and 8 times of the North Sea Park (Beihai Park).
"Imperial Mountain Summer Resort" has been divided into two parts.Of which one part is the palace area and the other part is ths garden area.The palace area itself is also made up by the main palace,the "Pine Crane Abbey",the "Ten Thousand Gully and Wind of Pine" and the Eastern Palace's four groups of buildings.The garden area too,is formed by three parts:the hills district,the lake district and the plains district,and the hills district is the biggest of all three,which is about 70% of the mountain resort's total area and its botanic stocks has the collection of the whole country's garden essence,with the the feature of grace of the south and the musculine beauty of the north.The length of the mountain resort's palace wall is about 10km.Because of its shape looks like the Great Wall,so,our local people of Changde call it the "Small Great Wall".
Along with the passing time and the dynastic changes,the "Imperial Mountain Summer Resort" has also gone through a long difficult journey too.After the birth of New China,it has finallly gained a new life.Currently,it is the most well kept and the biggest royal garden of our whole country.It is one of the world's heritage and the most famous tourist attraction for visitors from both home and abroad.
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