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What do you usually use mobile phones for? Sending text messages _1_ fun? Playing games? Well mobile phones can do _2_ more than that.
_3_ this year's Asian tsunami, mobile phones saved many _4_.
More than 10000 international phones were _5_ when the tsunami hit. Police sent text messages to them and found more than 2000. But how? People _6_ the signal and found out _7_ the tourists were.
So, how can _8_ so small be so smart?Well here's how!
When you _9_ the phone on it tries to find a signal. This signal comes from the telephone network.
If you have s signal you can see it on the phone's screen._10_, if the signal is weak,_11_ can be difficult to make a phone call.
When the phone is finding a signal, it also sends a _12_ to the telephone network. This message tells the station _13_ the phone is.
When you start to make a phone call, the telephone network tells telecommunications offices where you are. The offce _14_ out who you're calling then put you _15_ to your friend!
1.A.for B.to C.in D.with
2.A.very B.so C.far. D.little
3.A.While B.During C.At D.When
4.A.lives B.animals C.houses D.troubles
5.A.doing B.working C.functioning D.using
6.A.heard B.listenedC.followed D.exanmined
7.A.how B.where C.what. D.why
8.A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything
9.A.get B.turn C.take D.pick
10.A.Sometimes B.Often C.As usual D.Usually
11.A.he B.it C.they D.you
12.A.information B.word C.message D.note
13.A.which B.what C.where D.who
14.A.found B.willfindC.finds D.are finding
15.A.off B.up C.on D.through
1 A
2 C
3 B
4 A
5 C
6 C
7 B
8 A
9 B
10 D
11 B
12 C
13 C
14 C
15 C
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