早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.This is a _____ (人造的)lake.
2.There are thousands of stars in the _____(宇宙)
3.We can get ____ (羊毛)from sheep
4.Most countries use satellites to send and ___(接收) messages.
5.Look,Uncle Wang is ____(连接) the monitor to his TV set.
6.Many satellites have ___(发射) up into the sky.
7.Our knowledge of the space is ___(增长) all the time.
8.The moon travels ___(绕着) the earth.
1.This is a _____ (人造的)lake.
2.There are thousands of stars in the _____(宇宙)
3.We can get ____ (羊毛)from sheep
4.Most countries use satellites to send and ___(接收) messages.
5.Look,Uncle Wang is ____(连接) the monitor to his TV set.
6.Many satellites have ___(发射) up into the sky.
7.Our knowledge of the space is ___(增长) all the time.
8.The moon travels ___(绕着) the earth.
1.This is a (man-made) (人造的)lake.
2.There are thousands of stars in the (universe)(宇宙)
3.We can get (wool) (羊毛)from sheep
4.Most countries use satellites to send and (receive)(接收) messages.
5.Look,Uncle Wang is (connecting)(连接) the monitor to his TV set.
6.Many satellites have (been launched)(发射) up into the sky.
7.Our knowledge of the space is (growing)(增长) all the time.
8.The moon travels (around)(绕着) the earth.
2.There are thousands of stars in the (universe)(宇宙)
3.We can get (wool) (羊毛)from sheep
4.Most countries use satellites to send and (receive)(接收) messages.
5.Look,Uncle Wang is (connecting)(连接) the monitor to his TV set.
6.Many satellites have (been launched)(发射) up into the sky.
7.Our knowledge of the space is (growing)(增长) all the time.
8.The moon travels (around)(绕着) the earth.
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