早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
In Kenya educational and career opportunities are almost non-existent for people born with physical
challenges. They face many forms of discrimination-including beliefs that their condition was caused by
a curse. But one father whose son Brain was born deaf mute and blind aims to change all that. Joseph
Shiroko started a school four years ago that teaches students who can not hear speak and who have very
low or no vision a wide range of skills to support themselves.
The baby clothes the students knit (编织) are well known in the local community. And the school has
developed a reputation for its dried smoked meat products.
Brain Resource Center a boarding school teaches deaf and blind young Kenyans from across the
country a variety of skills they can use to earn a living.
"We have a number of philosophies that inform what we are doing: accepting these people; loving them;
giving them opportunities." said founder Joseph Shiroko.
Teachers most of whom are graduates from the school or are themselves physically challenged work
with students.
Mary Kerubo 22 has a passion for knitting sweaters which she plans to continue in her village.
"I feel comfortable here because Sween - my teacher understands me " said Kerubo. "Even if I do not
see well she always repeats her lessons again and again so that I may understand how to make sweaters.
I know I will make it."
Kerubo's teacher Sween Lyaka was among the first graduates of Brain Resource Center four years
ago. She says her students have a lot of unrecognized potential.
Sween says in the future she plans to purchase four sewing machines that she will use to teach students
and produce and sell sweaters in her home village.
The center also works with students' families to set up projects that will continue after the students
Founder Joseph Shiroko's son Brain was the inspiration behind Brain Resource Center. The senior
Shiroko says he began the school initially as a project to teach Brain bakery skills. The family later expanded
Brain's training and brought in other young people with similar physical conditions.
challenges. They face many forms of discrimination-including beliefs that their condition was caused by
a curse. But one father whose son Brain was born deaf mute and blind aims to change all that. Joseph
Shiroko started a school four years ago that teaches students who can not hear speak and who have very
low or no vision a wide range of skills to support themselves.
The baby clothes the students knit (编织) are well known in the local community. And the school has
developed a reputation for its dried smoked meat products.
Brain Resource Center a boarding school teaches deaf and blind young Kenyans from across the
country a variety of skills they can use to earn a living.
"We have a number of philosophies that inform what we are doing: accepting these people; loving them;
giving them opportunities." said founder Joseph Shiroko.
Teachers most of whom are graduates from the school or are themselves physically challenged work
with students.
Mary Kerubo 22 has a passion for knitting sweaters which she plans to continue in her village.
"I feel comfortable here because Sween - my teacher understands me " said Kerubo. "Even if I do not
see well she always repeats her lessons again and again so that I may understand how to make sweaters.
I know I will make it."
Kerubo's teacher Sween Lyaka was among the first graduates of Brain Resource Center four years
ago. She says her students have a lot of unrecognized potential.
Sween says in the future she plans to purchase four sewing machines that she will use to teach students
and produce and sell sweaters in her home village.
The center also works with students' families to set up projects that will continue after the students
Founder Joseph Shiroko's son Brain was the inspiration behind Brain Resource Center. The senior
Shiroko says he began the school initially as a project to teach Brain bakery skills. The family later expanded
Brain's training and brought in other young people with similar physical conditions.
1. What's the function of the first paragraph?
A. Attract the reader's attention.
B. Lead us to the topic.
C. Tell us important news.
D. Warn us of a serious problem.
B. Lead us to the topic.
C. Tell us important news.
D. Warn us of a serious problem.
2. The founder Joseph Shiroko treats children with physical problems except ____.
A. loving them
B. accepting them
C. ignoring them
D. giving them opportunities
B. accepting them
C. ignoring them
D. giving them opportunities
3. According to the passage we know ____.
A. the teachers in Brian Resource Center are healthy and normal
B. the teachers merely help students who can't hear or speak in Resource centre
C. Kerubo was among the first graduates of Brian Resource Centre
D. Joseph's son gave Joseph the inspiration to found Brian Resource Centre
B. the teachers merely help students who can't hear or speak in Resource centre
C. Kerubo was among the first graduates of Brian Resource Centre
D. Joseph's son gave Joseph the inspiration to found Brian Resource Centre
4. What's the main idea of the passage?
A. There are non-existent opportunities for the disabled in Kenya.
B. Joseph Shiroko started a new school four years ago.
C. Brian Resource Centre teaches the disabled skills to support themselves.
D. The baby clothes the disabled students knit are well-known in Kenya.
B. Joseph Shiroko started a new school four years ago.
C. Brian Resource Centre teaches the disabled skills to support themselves.
D. The baby clothes the disabled students knit are well-known in Kenya.
1-4: BCDC
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