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If you want to be taken seriously in the business world,you must understand
how to write a proper letter.Donˊt use big words:use everyday language.The
word ″per″
is often used in business communication.Itˊs not a real word!
Donˊt use it.Use short words,and short paragraphs.Space your paragraphs
evenly and cleanly for a more
professional look.The average paper can
hold 66 sentences:use this guide as you format your letter,so that the bulk
大部分) of the words are nicely centered.Think about
when your letter is
going to reach its recipient.You donˊt want your letter to get lost in the
end-of-the-month bills.A letter that arrives on Monday is less likely to be
read carefully than one that arrives on Tuesday.A good tip:include the
words ″you″ or ″your″ as one of the first three opening words.Why?It
draws the readerˊs
attention to the letter!The only thing better than
this is opening with a referral (提及) to a mutual acquaintance (熟人.) ,as in ″Liu
Deming suggested that I write to you.
″ Readers also love
stories--particularly humor--and anything in quotes.Quotation marks catch the
eye,and make the letter look more inviting.Sign your letter legibly,so
that your name can be read clearly.Nothing says ″egomaniac″ like a big,
ugly scrawl (潦草的笔迹).
1.What is the main idea of the
A) How to write a
proper business letter.
B) How to use
everyday language in a letter.
C) How to space
paragraphs evenly and cleanly in a letter.
D) How to use short
words and short sentences in a letter.
2.Which of the following
sentences is NOT true according to the passage?
A) Big words should
not appear in a business letter.
B) The word ″per″
should be used in a business letter.
C) A letter had
better arrive on Tuesday than on Monday.
D) Stories or
humors can be used to attract readers.
3.What is a better tip on
starting a business letter?
A) Start the letter
with the words such as ″you″ or ″your″.
B) Start the letter
in a courteous manner.
C) Start the letter
with stories or humors.
D) Start the letter
with a referral to a mutual acquaintance.
4.What does the word ″legibly″
mean in the passage?
5.What can be inferred from the
A) Writing proper
business letters is of first importance in the business
B) Following the
advice in this passage,one can be taken seriously in the business
C) People are sure
to be successful in the business world if they write letters in the way proposed
in this passage.
D) The author ever
failed in the business world because he lacked the skills in writing proper
business letters.