What increases during times of war? The 1. answer to this question is that death increases. Violence and technological progress also go up. Though feelings of 2. decrease, feelings of love actually grow, however. Some might find this 3. , but there are significant examples that prove this point. To begin with, the 4. of marriages actually rises. Soldiers going to war, afraid that they will not return, take advantage of the time before their5. to find love and get married. Also, people caught up in dangerous territory hurry into 6. relationships such as marriage. This is because, like the soldiers, they don't know how long they have to live. With such uncertainty, they become more 7. to take chances. This uncertainty created by war only explains part of the situation, though. War, terrible as it is, is also 8. . It creates heroes in our minds, people who have a certain attraction for us. As much as we might try to 9. these feelings within ourselves, we want to be with these people. We seek them out. And, yes, we love them.
Still, though war has this 10. on us, one still remains reluctant to promote war. War is horrible that it must be avoided, even at the expense of love.
选项 effect appealing impression willing departure significa ntnumber romantic safety weird security reluctant defy obvious deny
Obvious; 2. safety; 3. weird; 4. number; 5. departure; 6. romantic; 7. willing; 8. appealing;
9. deny; 10. impression
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